Growth in 2023

As I reload the weights, I’ve forgotten what DOM’S (delayed onset, muscle soreness) feels like because at that moment, I’m focused on getting stronger. Stronger muscles will help me run faster, and significantly reduce my likelihood of running overuse injuries, but as I place the weight bar on my shoulders and prepare my breath for [...]

The Alternative Route

I've been dealing with Crohn's Disease since 2002. I've gone the immune-suppressing medicine route (Prednisone, Pentasa, Imuran and Entocort) but I hate the side effects these meds have on my body. (Blood work every 6-8 weeks, constant upper respiratory infection, insomnia, unwanted hair growth, weight gain, to name just a few) In late 2006 I [...]

The Elephant in the Room

Last Saturday a 10-mile run was on the docket as my final "long run" of this marathon training cycle. When a friend mentioned that Emigration Canyon was hosting a 10-mile race and the dates coincided; I opted to sign up and run as a fitting end to my long winter and early spring training. I've [...]

Elephant Rock Trail Run (Mueller Park)

Near Bountiful, Utah is a lovely respite called Mueller Park. Often considered a hidden gem among trail runners, Mueller Park features well established trails that are excellent for running, mountain biking and even backpacking. About a month ago a local running friend mentioned the Elephant Rock Trail Race which features a 7-mile, half-marathon and full [...]

AF Canyon Run Against Cancer Half- Marathon

A couple of weeks ago when I met with doctors to discuss treatment for my knee, the question was when should I start? Initially I wanted to start immediately, but when I was informed I would need to avoid running for a while, I opted to delay the procedure. I knew I had the AF [...]

Revel Mount Charleston Half Marathon

I was born in the desert, so warm sand, sagebrush, dusty rocks and cacti feel like coming home to me. My dad even calls me "Arizona Amy," so any opportunity to visit family or friends AND run a race is a cherished opportunity. Last year while discussing different races, a few running friends shared their [...]

Moody Mother-Nature ☃️

Mother Nature thinks she's funny. 🙄 She waited till I packed away all my winter running gear to sneak in one last April snow storm. ❄️ Today's run was a easy zone 2-3 HR recovery run after Saturday's race. Too bad for Mother Nature I run year-round now despite her pranks. This hideous face is [...]

My 20-minute 5k

Getting older has some real perks. Remember being 14 and looking forward to earning your driver licence? Turning 18 meant you would graduate high school and finally vote. Maturity does have a few downsides. More than 145,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with colon cancer each year. Colon cancer is the second-leading cause of death [...]