The Answer is Yes

Opportunity is a funny creature. It’s technically defined as a set of circumstances that make it possible to do something. I’m old enough now to have finally learned that opportunity will happen whether you expect it or not. Life is funny like that. 17-years ago I was pregnant with our 4th child and very contentedly [...]

Growth in 2023

As I reload the weights, I’ve forgotten what DOM’S (delayed onset, muscle soreness) feels like because at that moment, I’m focused on getting stronger. Stronger muscles will help me run faster, and significantly reduce my likelihood of running overuse injuries, but as I place the weight bar on my shoulders and prepare my breath for [...]

Needles and a Prayer

Last summer, my daughter Bethany had a 10-week internship with PCL Construction in Denver, Colorado. So when a local pacing group was looking for volunteers for the 2022 Revel Rockies half marathon, I bought a $40 airplane ticket and signed up to help out; with the added bonus of spending a fun weekend with her. [...]

2022 Recap

My year in review 20 different races… 13 awards… and so many memories with the people I love. Runners really are phenomenal people! As 2022 passes into history, I’m grateful to remember what I’ve learned, experienced and how I’ve grown. The older I get, the more I realize it’s the simple things that bring happiness. [...]

The Process of Patience

Now- 3 individual letters when properly combined make an immediate statement. Now- the opposite of later, and the dopamine inducing reward for our efforts. I don’t think I’m alone in wanting just about everything to happen NOW! Waiting is often difficult no matter what we’re doing. If waiting was easy, I’m confident we’d all have [...]


Happy Thanksgiving! It’s been a little over 6 months since I ran my second Boston Marathon. After my first trip back east in 2019 to run the most iconic marathon in history didn’t go so well, (I actually dehydrated out and barely finished) In the med tent post race 2019 I wanted to go back [...]

The Balancing Act

Perhaps you’ve heard the popular turn of phrase “work-life balance”? You can find innumerable advertisements, books, YouTube videos, blogs, and even podcasts providing tips, tricks and hacks to acquiring and maintaining a “healthy” work-life balance. The older I get, I feel like I’m learning how a work-life balance fluctuates, because it’s never going to look [...]


It's that time of year again when the leaves have crisped, turned vibrant colors and made their way to the ground. Cool mornings and warm afternoons often mean a jacket when you leave the house and a wardrobe change for shorts due to sunshine and warmer temps by the time kids are out of school. [...]

The First Time

The first event I ever ran in was a 5k in the summer of 2008. It was called the “Love Your Body 5k” and was part of a larger women’s only event that held the same title, and was sponsored by a local radio station. As I pulled into the park, I remember being nervous [...]