The Answer is Yes

Opportunity is a funny creature. It’s technically defined as a set of circumstances that make it possible to do something. I’m old enough now to have finally learned that opportunity will happen whether you expect it or not. Life is funny like that. 17-years ago I was pregnant with our 4th child and very contentedly [...]

Growth in 2023

As I reload the weights, I’ve forgotten what DOM’S (delayed onset, muscle soreness) feels like because at that moment, I’m focused on getting stronger. Stronger muscles will help me run faster, and significantly reduce my likelihood of running overuse injuries, but as I place the weight bar on my shoulders and prepare my breath for [...]

Needles and a Prayer

Last summer, my daughter Bethany had a 10-week internship with PCL Construction in Denver, Colorado. So when a local pacing group was looking for volunteers for the 2022 Revel Rockies half marathon, I bought a $40 airplane ticket and signed up to help out; with the added bonus of spending a fun weekend with her. [...]

Enduring Well…

As I mentioned previously, the Timp half-marathon was one of my planned summer racing events. Saturday morning began early with my thoughts focused on the people I was running for. I woke up at 3:00am to get ready when I received a Facebook notification that my husband’s aunt, NaTel had passed away only 2 hours [...]

The Elephant in the Room

Last Saturday a 10-mile run was on the docket as my final "long run" of this marathon training cycle. When a friend mentioned that Emigration Canyon was hosting a 10-mile race and the dates coincided; I opted to sign up and run as a fitting end to my long winter and early spring training. I've [...]

Sunshine in my Soul 🌞

Sorry folks, I promise I'm not trying to be a broken record, but today was a glorious day that my body, mind and spirit truly needed. 💗 Today I had the pleasure of working hard and joining a kindred spirit as we ran our way up and down Emigration Canyon in Salt Lake the [...]

Reflections of Gratitude

"Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life. Keep the faith, it will be worth it in the end...” unknown💗✌️ Exactly one year ago today, I ran the Phoenix Marathon and due to the efforts of an amazing coach, years of hard work and divine assistance, I qualified for the Boston [...]

Discrete Cirque Series Trail Race- Snowbird

In the New Testament, Paul wrote very powerfully to the Romans: "...we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience... And patience, experience; and experience, hope... And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us..." (Romans 5:3-5) Tribulations, or suffering as we might say in 2018, is [...]

Elephant Rock Trail Run (Mueller Park)

Near Bountiful, Utah is a lovely respite called Mueller Park. Often considered a hidden gem among trail runners, Mueller Park features well established trails that are excellent for running, mountain biking and even backpacking. About a month ago a local running friend mentioned the Elephant Rock Trail Race which features a 7-mile, half-marathon and full [...]

Run 4 Fun Trail Run

Scottish scientist Alexander Graham Bell once said, "When one door closes another one opens, but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us..." Bell was not only an amazing engineer and inventor, but his repeated failures gave him great insight [...]