2022 Recap

My year in review 20 different races… 13 awards… and so many memories with the people I love. Runners really are phenomenal people! As 2022 passes into history, I’m grateful to remember what I’ve learned, experienced and how I’ve grown. The older I get, the more I realize it’s the simple things that bring happiness. [...]

Squaw Peak 50

In February 2018, when I finally earned my BQ marathon time, I considered what my long term running goals might be. I had been running for over 10-years and had pondered the idea of an ultra-marathon for a while, as it intrigued me. I knew what running a marathon felt like, but what about an [...]

Sunshine in my Soul 🌞

Sorry folks, I promise I'm not trying to be a broken record, but today was a glorious day that my body, mind and spirit truly needed. 💗 Today I had the pleasure of working hard and joining a kindred spirit as we ran our way up and down Emigration Canyon in Salt Lake City...in the [...]

Reflections of Gratitude

"Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life. Keep the faith, it will be worth it in the end...” unknown💗✌️ Exactly one year ago today, I ran the Phoenix Marathon and due to the efforts of an amazing coach, years of hard work and divine assistance, I qualified for the Boston [...]


“The future is but the present a little further on...” Jules Vern 🌎 Small victories often make the biggest difference. 😁Today’s long run featured success sipping water while running. While that might not seem like a big deal to any other runner out there, for someone like me with Crohn’s disease or other gastric issues [...]

Elephant Rock Trail Run (Mueller Park)

Near Bountiful, Utah is a lovely respite called Mueller Park. Often considered a hidden gem among trail runners, Mueller Park features well established trails that are excellent for running, mountain biking and even backpacking. About a month ago a local running friend mentioned the Elephant Rock Trail Race which features a 7-mile, half-marathon and full [...]

My Friend Johnny

Somedays it feels like I just can't win. I exercise regularly, lift weights, get enough sleep, only drink water and eat clean. Despite all my efforts, some days it just doesn't matter. Today I had 3 different bathroom stops during my run. What gives? I eat super "clean," no alcohol, refined grains or carbs; no [...]

Adios April 😀

Today's track workout consisted of 3- mile intervals at a 7-minute pace. Even though speed work is challenging, I enjoy these workouts because they bring quantifiable results. April has been a productive month, with 2 half-marathons completed under 1:40 minutes and 181.5 miles ran over 27 days. 📆 The spring racing season will soon be [...]

May Day 💐🌞🌸

Sometimes while running, you just gotta stop and smell the beautiful spring flowers. 😍 Today was a nice easy run before full body weights. Lifting after a longer-run gives me ample opportunity to reflect on what it really means to finish strong. 🏋🏾‍♂️ If I tell myself I'm tired, and my task is hard, my [...]

Moody Mother-Nature ☃️

Mother Nature thinks she's funny. 🙄 She waited till I packed away all my winter running gear to sneak in one last April snow storm. ❄️ Today's run was a easy zone 2-3 HR recovery run after Saturday's race. Too bad for Mother Nature I run year-round now despite her pranks. This hideous face is [...]