Squaw Peak 50

In February 2018, when I finally earned my BQ marathon time, I considered what my long term running goals might be. I had been running for over 10-years and had pondered the idea of an ultra-marathon for a while, as it intrigued me. I knew what running a marathon felt like, but what about an [...]

2018- Year in Review

I'm not much of a "resoluter" as in, "It's a brand New Year, go out and change your life, because this is your time..." Personally, dealing with a compromised immune system and multiple-health challenges doesn't require much more motivation than simple memory recall. When you're not feeling well, you learn to value the days you do. However, [...]

Discrete Cirque Series Trail Race- Snowbird

In the New Testament, Paul wrote very powerfully to the Romans: "...we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience... And patience, experience; and experience, hope... And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us..." (Romans 5:3-5) Tribulations, or suffering as we might say in 2018, is [...]

Elephant Rock Trail Run (Mueller Park)

Near Bountiful, Utah is a lovely respite called Mueller Park. Often considered a hidden gem among trail runners, Mueller Park features well established trails that are excellent for running, mountain biking and even backpacking. About a month ago a local running friend mentioned the Elephant Rock Trail Race which features a 7-mile, half-marathon and full [...]

King’s Peak Utah

There is no such thing as failure, the real question is- what did you learn? #tbt to one year ago and my family's 27-mile backpacking expedition to conquer Utah’s tallest peak, Kings Peak. This beautiful 13,527ft mountain features some amazing views and is no joke in monsoon season. After backpacking 7 miles and camping over [...]

Inner Dialogue

On Friday, the doctor finally called me back with my MRI results and news I really wasn't prepared to hear. It was his professional opinion that I should "strongly reconsider running." My first thought was, "what? He can't be serious?" Immediately I started asking questions and was quickly told to schedule another appointment so we [...]

Coming of Age

Different cultures have various way to commemorate coming of age. Jewish tradition has bar or bat mitzvah's; Hispanics have quinceanera and on Vanuatu in the South Pacific, they have modified bungee jumping. Last year was my 40th Birthday and Chelsie turned 18. In an effort to commemorate the privilege of hitting these milestones, we decided on [...]