Growth in 2023

As I reload the weights, I’ve forgotten what DOM’S (delayed onset, muscle soreness) feels like because at that moment, I’m focused on getting stronger. Stronger muscles will help me run faster, and significantly reduce my likelihood of running overuse injuries, but as I place the weight bar on my shoulders and prepare my breath for [...]

2022 Recap

My year in review 20 different races… 13 awards… and so many memories with the people I love. Runners really are phenomenal people! As 2022 passes into history, I’m grateful to remember what I’ve learned, experienced and how I’ve grown. The older I get, the more I realize it’s the simple things that bring happiness. [...]

The Process of Patience

Now- 3 individual letters when properly combined make an immediate statement. Now- the opposite of later, and the dopamine inducing reward for our efforts. I don’t think I’m alone in wanting just about everything to happen NOW! Waiting is often difficult no matter what we’re doing. If waiting was easy, I’m confident we’d all have [...]

The 2019 Boston Marathon

Late on the evening Friday, April 12th, my family and I boarded a plane for Boston, Massachusetts. It was a very late redeye flight, but the kids and I were excited to go. For 1 year, 1 month and 19 days- after my qualifying race at the Phoenix marathon in Mesa, Arizona- I had anticipated [...]

The Elephant in the Room

Last Saturday a 10-mile run was on the docket as my final "long run" of this marathon training cycle. When a friend mentioned that Emigration Canyon was hosting a 10-mile race and the dates coincided; I opted to sign up and run as a fitting end to my long winter and early spring training. I've [...]

Love Is…

According to the calendar it's February 14th, or Valentine’s Day.💘 Every year for as long as I can remember, I find myself dreading this day and I know I'm not alone. If you're single and not in a relationship, February 14th can be lonely as "single awareness day." Perhaps you've lost a dear loved one [...]

King’s Peak Utah

There is no such thing as failure, the real question is- what did you learn? #tbt to one year ago and my family's 27-mile backpacking expedition to conquer Utah’s tallest peak, Kings Peak. This beautiful 13,527ft mountain features some amazing views and is no joke in monsoon season. After backpacking 7 miles and camping over [...]

Motivation Monday

Life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change and actually doing something about any situation you don't like. Everyone has a turning point, but only you can decide if you're ready to change. These pictures were taken exactly 8 years years apart and feature my oldest and youngest child at the [...]

Treatment Tuesday Prep Run

Knowing I will be exclusively cross-training for a while, I opted to get up early and get my day started off right. My muscles were still sore from Saturday's race but the low mileage, slow pace and relatively flat course felt good on the knee. Today brings PRP treatment #1 and the start of my [...]