If You’re Going to San Francisco…

The 2018-19 winter in Utah has been a wild ride. After an abysmal 2017-18 snow pack and very little winter moisture; local folks started praying for snow in the mountains this fall and the good Lord has truly delivered. Utah's state snow pack totals are well above normal and just to spice things up have [...]


“The future is but the present a little further on...” Jules Vern 🌎 Small victories often make the biggest difference. 😁Today’s long run featured success sipping water while running. While that might not seem like a big deal to any other runner out there, for someone like me with Crohn’s disease or other gastric issues [...]

Elephant Rock Trail Run (Mueller Park)

Near Bountiful, Utah is a lovely respite called Mueller Park. Often considered a hidden gem among trail runners, Mueller Park features well established trails that are excellent for running, mountain biking and even backpacking. About a month ago a local running friend mentioned the Elephant Rock Trail Race which features a 7-mile, half-marathon and full [...]

King’s Peak Utah

There is no such thing as failure, the real question is- what did you learn? #tbt to one year ago and my family's 27-mile backpacking expedition to conquer Utah’s tallest peak, Kings Peak. This beautiful 13,527ft mountain features some amazing views and is no joke in monsoon season. After backpacking 7 miles and camping over [...]

Motivation Monday

Life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change and actually doing something about any situation you don't like. Everyone has a turning point, but only you can decide if you're ready to change. These pictures were taken exactly 8 years years apart and feature my oldest and youngest child at the [...]

AF Canyon Run Against Cancer Half- Marathon

A couple of weeks ago when I met with doctors to discuss treatment for my knee, the question was when should I start? Initially I wanted to start immediately, but when I was informed I would need to avoid running for a while, I opted to delay the procedure. I knew I had the AF [...]

The Good-old Days 🚣🏻‍♂️

Do you remember what you were you doing 23 years ago? I was a single college student trying to figure out life, and on the women's rowing team at Wichita State University. While I'm still trying to figure out life and have gained a hubby and 5 kids, rowing has once again come front and [...]

Time for Change

It was once said that the only constant in life is change. Sometimes we have an opportunity to anticipate an upcoming change, but more often than not, change just shows up one day and the adjustment process begins. About a month ago I was running near my home and enjoying a beautiful spring day. I [...]