Enduring Well…

As I mentioned previously, the Timp half-marathon was one of my planned summer racing events. Saturday morning began early with my thoughts focused on the people I was running for. I woke up at 3:00am to get ready when I received a Facebook notification that my husband’s aunt, NaTel had passed away only 2 hours [...]

Love Is…

According to the calendar it's February 14th, or Valentine’s Day.💘 Every year for as long as I can remember, I find myself dreading this day and I know I'm not alone. If you're single and not in a relationship, February 14th can be lonely as "single awareness day." Perhaps you've lost a dear loved one [...]

AF Canyon Run Against Cancer Half- Marathon

A couple of weeks ago when I met with doctors to discuss treatment for my knee, the question was when should I start? Initially I wanted to start immediately, but when I was informed I would need to avoid running for a while, I opted to delay the procedure. I knew I had the AF [...]

Shaking-up the Shuffle

Even though I've been running for 10 years, I didn't call myself a "runner" until I completed my first half-marathon in March of 2012. Crossing my first half-marathon finish line, I was amazed and overwhelmed that I had actually run 13 miles. I'd been running consistently for over 4 years, but a childhood of physical, [...]

Mother’s Day Recovery 🤦🏽‍♀️

Today's run was supposed to be an easy recovery run after Saturday's half-marathon. My entire body aches, including muscles that don't ever normally ache after a race. I really needed a recovery run today and probably should've taken the day off. 😜 I headed out this morning with stiff, heavy legs and a full mind, [...]

Spring Training 🌸☀️

Mother Nature's springtime beauty is in full force. Easy recovery runs that keep my HR in zones 2 and 3 are much more challenging than any speed workout or interval run. Letting my HR dictate the pace provides ample opportunity to enjoy the warm sunshine, beautiful flowers and birds chirping among stunning mountain view's. Spring [...]

Running Therapy 🏃🏻‍♀️💗

Wednesday is always speed work and interval training. Improving speed and racing performance happens long before I lace up my shoes on race day. It starts in my mind and is proven the moment I set foot on the track or at the starting line. My brain and body must work together to create a [...]

Recovery Run 💗

Don't let my smile fool you, the last 24 hours have been rough. Hope changed to reality and deep sadness. Sometimes life can break us. Take us to the extreme and then ask for all you have. It's challenging and difficult and situations happen beyond your individual ability to change and control. Death sobers and [...]