Shaking-up the Shuffle

Even though I've been running for 10 years, I didn't call myself a "runner" until I completed my first half-marathon in March of 2012. Crossing my first half-marathon finish line, I was amazed and overwhelmed that I had actually run 13 miles. I'd been running consistently for over 4 years, but a childhood of physical, [...]

Oh Dark Thirty 🌙

For a long time, I hated running in the dark. I was worried I'd get chased by a dog, hit by a car, trip or fall, and it's disorienting not being able to clearly see where I'm going. Once again through the process of time, running continues to change me. As the seasons shift and [...]

Revel Mount Charleston Half Marathon

I was born in the desert, so warm sand, sagebrush, dusty rocks and cacti feel like coming home to me. My dad even calls me "Arizona Amy," so any opportunity to visit family or friends AND run a race is a cherished opportunity. Last year while discussing different races, a few running friends shared their [...]

“Plan for Everything Control Nothing…”

Deena Kastor (2004 US Olympic Marathon Bronze Medalist) 🇺🇸🥉 Today I was out early as the weather is finally really warming up. If I wait too long to head out for a long run, the heat reminds me of how costly sleeping in can be. Today's workout focused on a negative 10k split. Normally I [...]

Adios April 😀

Today's track workout consisted of 3- mile intervals at a 7-minute pace. Even though speed work is challenging, I enjoy these workouts because they bring quantifiable results. April has been a productive month, with 2 half-marathons completed under 1:40 minutes and 181.5 miles ran over 27 days. 📆 The spring racing season will soon be [...]

May Day 💐🌞🌸

Sometimes while running, you just gotta stop and smell the beautiful spring flowers. 😍 Today was a nice easy run before full body weights. Lifting after a longer-run gives me ample opportunity to reflect on what it really means to finish strong. 🏋🏾‍♂️ If I tell myself I'm tired, and my task is hard, my [...]

Spring Training 🌸☀️

Mother Nature's springtime beauty is in full force. Easy recovery runs that keep my HR in zones 2 and 3 are much more challenging than any speed workout or interval run. Letting my HR dictate the pace provides ample opportunity to enjoy the warm sunshine, beautiful flowers and birds chirping among stunning mountain view's. Spring [...]

Running Therapy 🏃🏻‍♀️💗

Wednesday is always speed work and interval training. Improving speed and racing performance happens long before I lace up my shoes on race day. It starts in my mind and is proven the moment I set foot on the track or at the starting line. My brain and body must work together to create a [...]

Recovery Run 💗

Don't let my smile fool you, the last 24 hours have been rough. Hope changed to reality and deep sadness. Sometimes life can break us. Take us to the extreme and then ask for all you have. It's challenging and difficult and situations happen beyond your individual ability to change and control. Death sobers and [...]

Majestic Mountain Beauty 🏔💗

Sunrise in Northern Utah's mountains never disappoints. After a long work week, there's a temptation to sleep in and relax. However, as the spring flowers bloom and weather begins to warm, this familiar canyon calls my name. In this picture I stand approximately 10 miles from my front door. Behind me, glorious 11,752ft snow- capped [...]