The Answer is Yes

Opportunity is a funny creature. It’s technically defined as a set of circumstances that make it possible to do something. I’m old enough now to have finally learned that opportunity will happen whether you expect it or not. Life is funny like that.

17-years ago I was pregnant with our 4th child and very contentedly living outside Portland, Oregon in a lovely community called Banks. I had 3-children, ages 3, 6 and 7 and was struggling though intense vomiting and diarrhea that always accompanied all my pregnancies, as I carried our 4th child.

I had been diagnosed with severe Crohn’s Disease 4-years earlier in 2002 and was managing the illness as best I could, despite having no established gastrointestinal doctor or care while living in Oregon. My OBGYN was my go-between provider, as pregnancy was the biggest concern on my mind. The OBGYN kindly dealt with my issues as they came up; because I was afraid to find a new gastroenterologist after I had been diagnosed in Provo, Utah and my questions to the providers that diagnosed me about my health and care options were met with condescension, swearing and belittling. I felt stuck in what I know now, was a trauma pattern and trauma response.

Growing up, I wasn’t ever “allowed” to be sick. We were constantly told that children were to be “seen and not heard” because every time I was sick, my mother made it clear how “put out” and “inconvenient” it was.

She would take my siblings and I to the doctor, but it came at great emotional cost and sacrifice to her full-time work schedule and the other priorities she was balancing. I learned to hide my feelings and sickness, especially if it meant I might have to tell the truth of the abusive environment I was living in, and that was never going to happen if she was present with me at a doctors office. I learned from a very young age that I was not safe if I made my mother mad.

17.5- years ago, God intervened and saw fit to bring our little family of 5 to Utah. Little did I know in 2006, how truly life changing this move would be. I not only discovered my love of running, but more significantly, many important keys to lasting joy, peace and health.

Fast forward to 2024, where the hand of the Lord has been made known again; as our family seeks to walk by by faith, to a new part of the Lord’s vineyard, with an upcoming move to San Antonio, Texas.

While living in Utah, I’ve met incredible people who’ve left their imprint forever in my life and heart- loving, guiding and journeying with me; giving me the tools to heal my heart, mind and body. Perhaps one day I’ll share more specific details about that journey, it’s been interesting.

We’ve almost raised all 5 of our children here. We’ve worked and played, and in our own small way, tried to make this community a better place by walking with others when and where we can. We’ve been given so much, it’s bittersweet to look back as we seek to wrap things up.

As I said earlier, I’m old enough now to have finally learned that opportunity will happen whether you expect it or not.

Alexander Graham Bell said: ”When one door closes, another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.” Here’s to the next new adventure, and playing all over Utah’s outdoors in the meantime. I hope you’ll come and run with me.

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